Josef G. Böck

COO / Managing Consultant

"Nothing of value grows fast."

Josef G. Böck

My articles in Human Side of Business

My umbrella

Josef G. Böck

Born 1957

Entrepreneur, Investor, Academic lecturer, Business Consultant, Author, Honary Commercial Judge.

Head of the Board of Directors Singhammer IT Consulting AG

CEO of The Human Side of Business GmbH (Munich)

Digital Transformation and Management Practice. The power of leadership in times of digital transformation. Digital Transformation and Management Practice. The power of leadership in times of digital transformation. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 2019.

Trusted Advisor in Marketing und Vertrieb

Trusted Adviso in Marketing and Sales. The Basic Concept and its Practical Implementation in Selected Industries. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 2017.


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